Who am I? Well, I’m firstly a Dad. I’m secondly, a husband… And I’m thirdly, a lover of food and everything involved with it.
What do I enjoy to prepare? Let’s get grilling! Its fast! Its easy (if you pay attention). And the results are amazing… I’m amateur at BBQ (and yes there is a difference). I’ve been working on Brisket and Pulled Pork for about 15 years now. Suffice to say, there’ve been ups and downs. I’ve recently taken to grilling veggies you wouldn’t normally grill.
Other than cooking, what else is there? I am an avid Scouting supporter with my youngest son’s pack and oldest son’s troop. I love to spend time in our pool. I used to be really into Karaoke, but haven’t gone in years.
Now, something new that I’ve been working on for over a year, being one of Santa’s helpers. Being a big kid at heart, and truly believing in the magic of the man, it is a natural fit. I’ve finally reached the point of setting times for visits.